What is Reiki

Reiki is a Japanese name consisting of two words Rei and Ki meaning spiritually guided life energy, an energy which animates us all and is found all around us.

Reiki is a form of healing using "universal life energy" channelled through the practitioner to the recipient.  It helps to harmonize body, mind and spirit for yourself or anyone you want to help.

What is a Reiki Treatment

You relax, fully clothed, on a comfortable massage table while I hold my hands on or above you. A treatment can last an hour or longer, sometimes longer. Standard hand positions and commonly a full-body treatment is given to cover the major organs of the body.

There is no pressure on the body making it ideal for treating all ages and conditions. Many times, hands are held away from the body. The energy flows wherever it is required and can normally be felt as a warm sensation or tingling in the body. Receiving Reiki is a very relaxing and soothing experience!

Reiki is an Effective Healing Method

Reiki can be used for many ailments like reducing stress, relieving pain, headaches, stomach upsets, back problems, asthma - respiratory problems, PMT, menstrual problems, sinus, anxiety and many more.

(Please observe that Reiki should never be used instead of medical treatment, it should be used as a compliment and a way to become and remain healthy.)

There is no belief system attached to Reiki so anyone can receive a Reiki treatment. The first step towards a healthier life is a desire and intention to heal.

Reiki - the Powerfully Gentle Healer

Promotes natural self-healing
Balances the energies in the body
Balances the organs and glands
Strengthens the immune system
Treats symptoms and causes of illness
Relieves pain
Clears toxins
Adapts to the natural needs of the receiver
Enhances personal awareness
Relaxes and reduces stress
Promotes creativity
Releases blocked and suppressed feelings
Aids meditation and positive thinking
Heals holistically

Clean & Lean - Healthy Foundations

To get the best results from any healing modality you need optimal nutrition. I recommend everyone begin with the Isagenix™ Cleansing Program because it is a successful way to experience immediate results by cleansing out toxins from your body and helping establish the most powerful cellular healing environment.

Whether you choose to start with our Cleanse for Life 9-day Program or a modified 30-Day Program, we are confident this will be the most successful plan you’ve ever experience to promote natural healing.


Individual Reiki Session $50.00 per hour

One Month Package (Two sessions per month) $85.00

Reiki + NeuroSomatic Energy Balancing $75.00 (1.5hr session)

Ask about gift certificates for your friends!

Click here to contact Sue for your free screening!

Affiliated Partner Sites

Jeff Morrow - Isagenix Associate - Manassas VA 20110 - 703-850-1973
Sue Morrow - Reiki Practiioner - Manassas VA 20110 - 703-881-8216
JAKStar - Web Consulting - Manassas VA 20110 - 703-361-9420
Koff Chiropractic - Manassas VA 20110 - 703-361-0251
Website Design and Links Page - Manassas VA 20110 - 703-361-9420
Simply Energy - Personal Developming - Manassas VA 20110 - 703-881-8612
Loving Pet Care - Manassas VA 20110 - 703-789-0150